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Presentation FED2015

Barcelona hosts the 3rd edition of the European Diversity Forum"Diversity: an exit gate from the crisis?”, which is going to be held at the Palau Macaya (Passeig de Sant Joan, 108) on the 24thand 25th of April, 2015. The event aims at being a meeting point; a space of debate and reflection to exchange ideas and experiences on diversity management, being diversity a key element for business growth and enrichment of society in general. Thus, Catalan and European politicians, managers, bankers, entrepreneurs, sociologists and agents of civil society are going to meet during two days with the aim to create a common understanding about diversity, and to leverage and encourage entrepreneurship as well as social transformation as an exit gate from the economic crisis.

The 3r European Diversity Forum takes over the two previous editions held in Paris in 2010 and 2012, organized by the prestigious Club XXIe Siècle. This edition, organized by the Club Segle XXI Catalonia and commissioned by the Club XXIe Siècle, wants to emphasize on people, enterprises, technology and finance to design a road-map to exit the crisis, driven by sustainable growth and equal opportunities.



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