El Club Segle XXI a Catalunya
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Promotion of University Talents

The Promotion of University Talents is a program that aims to provide opportunities for students at university level though information and guidance in the preparation of their professional projects, appropriate to the potential of their talent and competencies, by encouraging the development of academic talent.

The program provides optimal conditions for the students’ extracurricular enrichment, as a complementary service to university life.

The Promotion of University Talents proposes guidance sessions held at Catalan universities and defined by professional fields, which become practical workshops taught by outstanding professionals (researchers, business leaders, high-ranking officials…). These professionals approach the students from their own personal and work experience, and show them the possibilities of the profession and the current job market.

The detection and promotion of talent requires coordination between academia and business. Therefore, we will work in collaboration with university professors.

Talent needs opportunities, and the program aims to give a boost, increasing the chances of professional success of these students.

We also consider the organization of a transnational networking session every year, in order to foster the rapprochement between young talents who have participated in the program.


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