El Club Segle XXI a Catalunya
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Dinner Debates

The dinner debates held by the French Club XXIe Siècle have been highly successful in promoting diversity and awareness of the existence of an elite arising from immigration.

The purpose of the dinner debates is to invite personalities from different fields of interest, who explain their main ideas on a topic previously established. Over the course of the meeting, attendees can participate actively by addressing questions to the keynote speaker during the question time or by expressing their own thesis. In short, the aim of a dinner model is to create an enriching and fruitful debate.

Since its creation, the French Club XXIe Siècle has invited a large number of personalities to its dinner debates, such as Nicolas Sarkozy, Ségolène Royal, Alain Juppé, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Philippe Séguin, Jean-Marc Ayrault or Laurent Fabius; Claude Bébéar (chairman of the Supervisory Board of AXA), Gérard Mestrallet (chairman and CEO of Suez), Ernest-Antoine Seillière (chairman of Medef); and intellectuals like Emmanuel Todd, Marcelo Gauchet or Alain Finkielkraut.

We want to create with equal success these spaces in our country, in order to create awareness of the tasks developed by the Club Segle XXI in Catalonia, giving visibility to the social, cultural and ethnic richness that diversity brings in.

In this context, high political offices and personalities from the economic and the academic world will be invited to the dinner debates.


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